1.This model took into account of the effect of the column wall on bubble formation by the introduction of a specific system of images.
2.Virtual servers allow you to configure particular ports as public; the router redirects incoming requests to a specific system.
3.Processor numbers do not represent specific system configurations and do not replace system- level benchmarks .
4.As System Design Engineer, you work on system level (system management) and are the technically responsible of a specific system.
5.However, if you assume a specific compiler and a specific system, it may be doable, and fortunately, with GCC on Linux, it is.
6.Rail profile grinding can be particularly effective if the applied profiles are tuned to the specific system requirements.
7.From the system outlined specific system requirements analysis, design, database design aspects of the site conducted a detailed exposition.
8.Finally, it studies the specific system and its advantages of the arbitration clause in the latest reform of the OECD model.
9.Many different component combinations provide the flexibility to match specific system viscosity, flow, and cleanliness requirements.
10.In some specific system, highly sensitive resources can only be open to certain users, so there must set access control mechanism.